Supporting document(s) index sample

This document is available for download in RTF, 95 KB

[Proceeding title]

Supporting document(s) index from [name of company]

Title of document(s) Description
[Document title] [Description]
[Document title] [Description]
[Document title] [Description]
[Document title] [Description]
[Document title] [Description]
[Document title] [Description]
[Document title] [Description]
[Document title] [Description]
[Document title] [Description]

Non-confidential rationale

The confidential document(s) listed above contain commercially sensitive confidential business information not amenable to redaction. We request that this information be treated as strictly confidential, as it would be harmful to [name of company] and/or its members if it were disclosed or otherwise made available to the competitors of same. As such, the contents of this exhibit are not included in the non-confidential (public) version.

Please note: This is a sample document only. You must enter the required information into the fields above. See page 2 for additional information.

Guidance for preparation of a supporting document index

Confidentiality and disclosure guidelines for SIMA proceedings

Please review the Confidentiality and disclosure guidelines for SIMA proceedings for more information on the CBSA’s policies and procedures with respect to submitting confidential and non-confidential information in Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) proceedings.

Information required in a supporting document index

The supporting document index must include a description of the confidential information that has been removed/redacted and a rationale as to why a non-confidential version cannot be made available.

If the rationale for any of your supporting documents is different than the example provided above, please specify the rationale for each document (i.e. based on copyright licensing, the document contains company-specific financial information, etc.).

When to submit a supporting document index

A supporting document index will only be accepted for confidential documents which are not amenable to redaction or when redacting the confidential information would not leave enough detail to provide an understanding of the confidential information removed.

When filing multiple documents

One description for multiple documents is acceptable if the content and the rationale (as to why a non-confidential version cannot be made available) is similar.

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